Friday 21 February 2014

Can Natural Hormone Creams Help Me
Can Natural Hormone Creams Help Me

Progesterone is a hormone along with testosterone and estrogen that is naturally made in the body.. The human body naturally-produces the hormone in the ovaries or in a mans testicles while smaller-amounts are made by the adrenal-glands. Progesterone's primary function in women's bodies is preparing the body for pregnancy and maintaining gestation once it happens. It also regulates-menstruation and works along with estrogen to keep those hormones in balance. The progesterone hormone plays a much smaller role in men's bodies as a precursor-to-cortisol as well as a moderator of other body hormones. When a woman hits menopause or even peri-menopause, the stage that leads up to cessation-of menstruation, her ovaries slow-down and slowly cease their ovulation. Without the ovulation, the ovaries wont produce any progesterone. Other factors that can lead to low progesterone-levels can include: dysfunctional follicles maybe due to the environmental xeno-estrogen exposure, some kinds of nutritional deficiencies, general bad diet and even stress. Low progesterone levels will lead to estrogen-dominance thus hormonal body imbalances like PMS, and also some typical meno-pausal symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes and moodiness. Women can greatly benefit from using progesterone creams. According physician John. R. Lee, international-authority and the pioneer in natural progesterone creams and natural hormone-balance, menopause symptoms aren't due to a drop in estrogen but in the drop of progesterone levels. That discomfort some women get during menopause usually comes from the unnaturally high-levels of estrogen, without adequate progesterone levels to oppose it. The benefits of progesterone in the human body are many. According to Physician John R. Lee, the benefits can include: natural protection against breast fibro cysts, conversion of fat to energy, a natural-diuretic, a natural anti-depressant, it promotes normal-sleep patterns, it decreases hot-flashes, it normalizes blood-sugar levels, it normalizes blood clotting, it restores normal body libido, it restores proper cell-oxygen levels, it helps in preventing breast and endo-metrial cancer, it stimulates new-bone development and formation, it prevents auto-immune diseases, and it's necessary for the survival of embryos. If your body isn't able to produce adequate progesterone, then a supplementation is advisable instead of leaving estrogen un-opposed of which can lead to a host of numerous illnesses and other complications. Since progesterone creams are oil based, Dr. Lee says the most efficient and sure way to absorb it is "transdermally" that is, through the skin, rather-than taking a pill or tablet orally or through injection. Both meno-pausal women and those still ovulating but are suffering from PMS-symptoms or fibroid-cysts can safely use this cream. Basically you apply the cream to your skin during the luteal-phase, the 2 weeks from your ovulation to the on set of your period, in-doses that typically mimic what the body would normally-produce. Within 3 months or so, you will start to see the results. Today progesterone creams are becoming popular form of hormone replacement-therapy used in treating menopause and menopausal symptoms. There are some women who prefer using natural hormone creams like natural progesterone creams rather than synthetic-progesterone, which are also part of the hormone replacement-therapy combined with estrogen, since synthetic progesterone may lead to PMS side-effects. Dr. Loretta Lanphier, CN, ND, HHP, states that when correctly used progesterone creams eliminates many symptoms which are as a result of hormonal-imbalance. Progesterone creams will help a woman maintain a sense-of-equilibrium. Women can balance their body estrogen and testosterone-levels naturally by easily applying natural hormone creams like the progesterone creams. This will decrease the risk of developing breast-cancer and it will normalize PMS-symptoms and menstrual-cycles. Men can also benefit from natural hormone creams. Progesterone creams can help with prostate problems. Other benefits of Natural hormone creams include: It can facilitate the action of the thyroid-hormone, it can increase the body's libido, it can normalize blood-clotting, it normalizes blood sugar-levels, zinc levels and copper levels. It restores cell oxygen-levels and also promotes bone building in the body. Men can use natural hormone creams to help with prostate cancer. In a 1988 study by the Nanjing-Medical College in China. the results showed that a progesterone cream can reduce the prostate weights of test-animals. Progesterone creams have been known to help with cold chills, fatigue, insomnia, irritability and moodiness. If a woman's body has high estrogen levels, she may experience fluid-retention, weight gain and depression. A progesterone cream can help counteract such symptoms. Progesterone creams help in reducing the pain-level as well as joint-swelling in women who suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis. Natural hormone creams help in pre-menstrual cramping and act as a natural anti-depressant.


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